
Thriving Mindsets Thursday

by Deon Ashleigh

Shift your mindset, heal your hidden wounds, and unlock your power.

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I Took This Twelve-Minute Test and Found Out I Was Terrible

Change starts in the mind Photo by C. SHII on Unsplash “Nah, that’s not me.” I stared at the screen. Shook my head. “Nope, that can’t be right.” Pushy, rude, lustful, aggressive, controlling, blunt, intimidating, my way or the highway, dominating, angry, intense, don’t care about other people’s feelings. No, I’m not an 8. 8s sound like awful people who make everyone around them miserable. I’m annoying, even to myself, but I don’t think I make everyone miserable. I care about people’s...

5 days ago • 4 min read

A second’s worth more than we can fathom Public tweet posted by Alex Hormozi I’ve owned my business for a few years now. It’s been rough, mostly because of me. I’m stubborn, impulsive, rigid, and terribly prone to shiny object syndrome. And yet, it’s also been amazing. The control, the freedom, the constant learning, the options. Alex asked what advice we’d give. Here’s my answer: Always DO when you’re afraid You’re dying every second. Move fast to leave behind as much as you can. You won’t...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

His last lesson surprised me Photo by Ryan Quintal on Unsplash Like a banshee after stubbing her biggest toe, the gravel screeches in my head. It’s crunching and groaning under the other cars’ wheels, but it won’t slow me down. I’ve come to enjoy life. I close my car’s door and walk into the unfamiliar restaurant. It has high ceilings, lots of long wooden tables, and massive silver, stainless steel beer-brewing containers side by side behind the bar. Ritzy. And the food smells goooood....

about 1 month ago • 6 min read

Was it before or after you decided you couldn't change that? We all have these narratives creeping around in our minds. Our hearts. Our souls. Whispers we forget to stop listening to. Don't know how to shut up. But these voices are wrong. So wrong. And these three books may help you silence yours once and for all. They helped me quiet mine. Not silence. Not yet. But turn the volume down drastically? Heck yeah. Why? Because books, other people's mindsets, can change how we understand and...

2 months ago • 3 min read

Let’s take our bravery back Photo by Vidi Drone on Unsplash | Images captioned by author “Think we’ll die today?” “Probably. Love you, man.” He takes a swig. “Oh, and I’m the one who pantsed you last month. Sorry.” It was the 17th century. Many of these soldiers, coughing on smoke and marching on aching feet to the front lines to face cannons and gunfire, wouldn’t return home alive. So they drank a healthy dose of gin to soothe their nerves and boost their confidence. They called it liquid...

2 months ago • 7 min read

For all my ambitious people Photo by tommao wang on Unsplash Ever feel like everything you’ve worked for will crumble if you stop for a second? Scared you’re always one step from the finish line and can’t slow down because the snapping, growling hoards next to you will win? Crushed by guilt when you don’t push yourself day and night? If this sounds familiar, you may be an Enneagram 3, the Achiever. Unstoppable powerhouses, type 3s don’t make life happen. They are the life that happens....

3 months ago • 7 min read
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